Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I'm going to try again, at this blog thing. My computer crashed shortly after my last blog and I guess I just never got to it again...I also began a new career along side my Wife, Mom, & Realtor jobs.

I am working with the elderly as a caregiver. Got certified, and love, love, love this type of work. My "old people" are awesome. The service I work with is Visiting Angels. And I am currently working six days a week. This is my season to do this and I love it.

There has been an issue with the maid...she used to come on Mondays and Thursdays...the only problem is I'm the maid and I'm working else where...tee-hee...I guess I should replace her, huh? Oh, just thinkin' out loud...Have a blessed day. It is a good day to be a blessing...someone, somewhere really needs a blessing from you! Do it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Time Consuming...

Okay. I figured out something today. In the old days when I wanted to talk to someone or connect with a friend I would put on my house cleaning clothes and get to it, with the phone in the crook of my neck. But, with a laptop...it's not so easy, so I miss the old days (you know, like two years ago?)because I have also noticed my housework doesn't happen if I'm sitting with a laptop in my lap. And I am very strict about how much time I spend on Facebook as it can be very time consuming, and I have much to accomplish before night falls. Just thinkin' out loud...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blogging...101...Someone Might be Reading!

I do not like drawing attention to myself through this blog, but I am venturing out...following friends' blogs, ministry blogs, family blogs, ( and I just noticed when one types the word blog repeatedly it sounds dumb)....I digress.

If by Providence you are reading this post I hope you go check out the ones I follow. They are much better bloggers and have good messages about the favorite love of my life...Jesus. Only second to my faithful husband, my three favorite children. Have a good day!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Graduating Baby

Tonight my youngest graduates. It is a good day. "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24 NIV

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The past 24 hours have been filled with all sorts of blessings from God. I just wanted to thank Him publicly. I was also going to try and post some photos, but how to do it seems to be eluding me. In the meanwhile, for anyone reading remember "For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life". John 3:16.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adult Children

Today is my youngest child's 18th birthday. My oldest is soon to be 22, and middle child just turned 20...it makes it easy to remember...also, they were all born in February. Love month!

Truly I love them. They are incredible children. I am so blessed. Why on earth, literally, God poured down from His Throne in heaven, to me, me?!, three wonderful children, I will never know this side of Heaven. I thank God often.

I am very emotional today. It must be due to the youngest becoming a legal adult. Adult children (isn't this an oxymoron?) seem to be fast becoming my favorite times of their lives. I'm not sure my husband thinks so. College expenses are just a wee bit more than braces & basketball game tickets. But, I'm the one thinkin' out loud, so yes, this is my favorite time, as was birth, toddler, elementary, middle school?nah, and high school. Maybe, I have just been so thrilled to have made it through each stage that the next one naturally is my favorite.

Hummm, that makes sense. Besides, I'm a cup half full kind of woman. Thank God for that, too!

Friday, January 9, 2009

My First Blog

This is one of my goals for 2009...to have a blog...I did it! I cannot believe I did it?! Now I just need to do the other 2008 goals or things I've always wanted to complete. I won't list them now. I'm thinkin' it doesn't really matter because chances of someone reading this are quite slim. Just in case though, I'm thinking out loud, remember? That's the name of my blog because I do that a lot. It drives one of my teenagers crazy. Won't say which one, but it never used to bother my sweet dog. (We lost her this summer due to old age...she was a very good dog.) I don't even read blogs much. I'm not sure how to end one? How 'bout check in later? Mostly I am not really thinking out loud, as much as I am praying out loud. But, that's a thought for another blog post, I'm sure.